Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Windows 7 free legally via MSDNAA - Download Today!

Windows 7 is available for free via the MSDNAA.

The MSDNAA (wiki) provides students with free MS software, I'm not sure how widespread access is. I have an account
as a student of Imperial College London's Computer Science depatrment. I would be interested to know if you have to be a CS student, whether it's just in the UK and just Univesity etc.

I am not advocating this as your main OS just yet (I haven't even installed it). However, it would be naive to underestimate the impact of the software on our industry, you should at least try it if you get it free!
If the industry reviews are anything to go by then MS have certainly righted some wrongs with this iteration - let me know what you think and how widespread availability is.

Hope you're all having a great summer!